The aquariums are included in the exhibition 'Into the deep' - many of our visitors has this section as their favorite!
On the bottom floor - at the aquariums - you will learn more aboute the biggest lake in Western Europe. Several different environments are shown in the aquariums aswell as cold water specialists like trout or the most known swedish fish species: roach and perch.
The exihibition 'Into the deep' portays Lake Vänern and its importance as an ecosystem. The relationship between lake and human is also captured in the exhibition. We hope that our visitors will gain knowledge and understanding of how we can contribute to a sustainable future for the lake.
Lake Vänern is about 5560 km2 big and has many conditions for life - both above and below the surface.
Sometimes the museum's biologist invites the visitors to public fish feedings. It is a family activity that suits everyone, from small kids to grown ups - look in our calendar for more information.

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